

作者:葉翠香 姐妹


就從若望福音開始試一試吧,不多幾天我就把若望福音從第一章抄寫到21章共用了65張稿紙,2支原子筆。哇塞!好酷!我作夢都沒想到我竟然做到了,雖然坐到腰酸背痛,手麻腳冷,但是我好像隨同耶穌一樣一步步走遍加里肋亞海,講道,治病,驅魔,不接納等…直到受難被釘死在十字架上,復活,升天,一幕幕的歷史又重演在以色列的聖地,我也曾去過朝聖,走過那耶穌曾走過的路,如今在抄寫中文再次的震撼我的心,我想任何人都會一樣的,因為若望福音與對關福音不一樣,若望有的他們沒有,而且若望記載耶穌的事蹟都是用第一人稱:『我是』。『我是生命之糧』『我是世界的光』『我是羊的門』『我是好牧人』『我是道路、真理、生命』『我是葡萄樹』『復活在我!生命在我!』。所以耶穌的復活是最大的神蹟,若望記載著自己親眼看見墳墓空了驚人事實,並詳述耶穌復活後多次向人顯現的經過,若望是耶穌所愛的門徒,他有力的見證了耶穌是永生神的兒子,舊約預言的默西亞,我們信靠祂朝拜祂,獲得罪的赦免,得能力”永生” ,跟隨祂直到永遠是有福的。當我抄寫完後交給神父時,他說再抄寫吧!我說:好啊!在試試看。這一次我經過禱告後就抄寫宗徒大事錄,他有28章1003節,共用去了81章稿紙。

自從耶穌升天後,祂賜下聖神,宗徒們與聖母同心合一的熱切祈禱,就像暴風、火舌一樣,充滿整座房屋。宗徒們與教會就這樣誕生了,他們充滿聖神的德能,再也不害怕為耶穌作證、治病、驅魔、顯奇蹟、宣道等‥甚至於被捕下監獄,鞭打、迫害、殉道、宗徒們都勇敢的視死如歸。尤其是保祿宗徒,他曾迫害過教會,被耶穌光照後,卻毅然決然地交出自己的生命,一生為主耶作證,開傳教的先鋒,用文字與行動傳下基督的血淚史,這是保祿驚天動地的見證,我邊抄寫邊流淚,因為我也努力在傳福音-溝通、講道,雖然沒被追殺、追打、迫害而那種艱難的奮鬥經歷毫不畏懼地前仆後繼,充滿驚人的熱火,怎不叫我哽咽呢?他三次出外傳教,走遍亞細亞、希臘、西班牙、摩里達島、羅馬等…整個羅馬帝國的版圖,他為基督教會立下不朽的工程,最後被坎頭。為主耶穌殉道,如果你沒走過他曾走過的路,你體會不出他的領悟,所以他說:『我生活不再為我生活,而是基督在我內生活』感謝讚美天主!耶穌也在我內,我也為他而生活 阿們!



作者:李增德 弟兄












四旬期第四主日 - 乙年

主 題:在光中行走
讀經二:弗2:4-10 人因罪惡而死,因恩寵而得救
福 音:若3:14-21 履行真理的人跟隨光走

反 省:我看到天主的愛彰顯在世上?以怎樣的方出現?


耶穌聖心使徒會 - The Apostles the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(Left to Right) Sr. Mary Lee, Sr. Daniela Minniti, Sr. Linda Pettinella


前一陣子,李瑪利修女、孟德蘭修女及潘琳達修女歡慶了耶穌聖心使徒會在台服務的10週年紀念。 因為教宗若望保祿二世要求修會去亞洲傳播福音,所以兩位耶穌聖心使徒會的修女:李瑪利修女及王安娜修女在西元1998年8月遠從美國來到台灣。這兩位修女和孟德蘭修女於西元2000年到明誠中學藉由教書工作的同時也將耶穌基督的愛傳播給教職員及學生們。隨著明誠中學於西元2004年成立了雙語小學部門,修女們再次奉獻了她們的聖靈精神協助規劃小學部雙語課程。除了主導專業的英語課程規劃,修女更是重視學童們的生命教育,也藉由各種節日發展相關之慶祝活動;每年寒暑假,在台灣本地的修女也和從美國特地來台服務的修女們,規劃冬、夏令英文營的教學。除了學生教育外,修女也為對天主教義和聖經內容有興趣的家長開立讀書會團體。

耶穌聖心使徒會是由柯麗雅會祖(Venerable Clelia Merloni)於西元1894年於義大利組成, 柯麗雅姆姆對於耶穌聖心的愛是她的生活重心。

基於相同的信念及精神, 耶穌聖心使徒會的目標是要服務教會以及天主的子民, 讓所有的人都認識耶穌聖心也可以同樣的愛祂。

依循著耶穌聖心使徒會的座右銘--「基督的愛催促我們」, (格林多後書 5:14) 修會的修女們效法耶穌12個宗徒敬愛事奉耶穌聖心。 本著將自己全心奉獻給耶穌的力量, 以及對於耶穌聖心使徒會的信念和熱忱, 啟發並帶領修會裡的修女們必須傳達給予她們所遇到的人們。

現在在台灣高雄教區有三位修女為了教會在服務,修女們將盡她們的全力繼續地為台灣人民傳播福音。想瞭解更多聖心使徒會的資訊,請瀏覽 http://ascjus.org

Author: Sr. Linda Pettinella

Recently, Sr. Mary, Sr. Dani and Sr. Linda celebrated 10 years of Apostles presence in Taiwan. In response to Pope John Paul II’s call to religious congregations to come to Asia, two Apostles, Sr. Mary and Sr. Anne, came from the USA to Taiwan in August, 1998. In 2000, these two sisters and Sr. Dani came to minister at St. Paul’s High School. When St. Paul’s Bilingual Elementary School opened in 2004, the Sisters began ministering there. They have dedicated themselves to the spiritual and educational development of the elementary school students. As well as helping to coordinate the English program, the Sisters also instruct the students in English and Life Education. Additionally, the Sisters are responsible for student activities to celebrate major religious holidays, and, joined by Sisters from the States, run the school’s summer camp. At various times through the year, the Sisters also run a Parent Study Group for interested school parents, which introduces and explains the Catholic Church and the Bible to those who attend.

The Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was founded by Venerable Clelia Merloni in Italy in 1894. Love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus was the center of Mother Clelia’s life. In that same spirit, it is the goal of the Congregation to serve the Church and the people of God, making the Heart of Jesus known and loved. Responding to the motto, “The Love Of Christ Impels Us,” (2 Cor 5:14) the Sisters strive to be like the first Apostles. Animated by apostolic zeal and strengthened by their consecration to Christ, they seek to bring Christ’s love to all whom they meet. For more information about the Congregation, The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus visit our website: http://ascjus.org/

Think that every day, through your sacrifices, you can win souls for the Heart of Jesus."

— M. Clelia Merloni


四旬期第三主日 - 乙年

主 題:十字架的愚妄
福 音:若2:13-25:首次上耶京潔淨聖殿

反 省:四旬期內,我如何潔淨我心靈的聖殿,使我的心靈更適合生活的天主居住。


Enkhuizen - Holland ~ E.E.Jansen Sr

Good day everybody in Kaohsiung
Today I will tell you something about a lake that was many years ago connected with the open sea and village situated around this sea were very important ports at that time.
Now a day’s most of those places are no longer commercial ports,but places that are a tourist attraction due the history. In the time that it was a sea we call it ZUIDERZEE.

In 1920, following a disastrous North Sea storm which broke dikes and inundated 32,000 acres of lowland, the Dutch embarked upon an ambitious plan to build a dike and closing this part of sea off from the North Sea. They came up with this plan for two reasons; One the silting of our land became more and more and the farmers complaining that the harvest became every year worth due to the silting of the land due to the flood disasters.

2nd. To creating more new land for the farmers and other economical reasons.
We had a genius civil engineer who launce the plan how it where possible to create and build this dike. In 1927 the works starts and by 1932 the dike were realized.

The length of the dike is 32 km around 19 miles in length. The dike was laid between the places
Zurich and DEN OEVER. In Den OEVER the build also a lock it was for the shipping still possible to reach open sea. The water became in a several years from salt to fresh.
For the reason a several rivers ended up in the lake. In years that follow they creating new land in the former see what we called now Lake Ijsselmeer. The first polder was named N.E. Polder. The second polder the called it Flevo Polder. New village new farmland arising.
Due to the reason that the water became fresh all salt water fish moved away fresh water fish came back for it one kind became very famous and well the eel.

business on it . These places had already a good reputation and people who were working and living in these places were not poor at all. Due to commercial shipping, and fishing industry.
If you visit these places now a days you can still see how rich those village were in 1800 and 1900. Ships becoming bigger and bigger and those ports became to small to berth these new vessel and the distance from the main sea in to the port became too long.

Other ports who are situated close to the North Sea taken over the business,One of these harbors are named Rotterdam many years the biggest port in the world.
Eel becoming over the years less and less and the smoking factory’s has to close down.
Now a day’s smoked eel is one of the most expensive fish kinds who you can buy in the Netherlands the price is incredible high for one kilo you have to pay around 42 euro per kilo in Taiwan currency about NT$4,000. The eel is exported to many countries over the world.
Next month I will write over the history of Marken. In the IJsselmeer.
Regards Evert.


四旬期第二主日 - 乙年

主 題:三分人事七分天
讀經二:羅8:31-43 天主沒有憐惜自己的兒子
福 音:谷9:2-10耶穌顯聖容

反 省:基督曾以怎樣的方式「改變」了我?


四旬期第一主日 - 乙年

主 題:彩虹、盟約
讀經二:伯前3:18-22 耶穌拯救了人靈
福 音:谷1:12-15 耶穌公開宣講天國

反 省:在受「試探」中,天主如何支持我,給我力量並引導我?