
耶穌聖心使徒會 - The Apostles the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(Left to Right) Sr. Mary Lee, Sr. Daniela Minniti, Sr. Linda Pettinella


前一陣子,李瑪利修女、孟德蘭修女及潘琳達修女歡慶了耶穌聖心使徒會在台服務的10週年紀念。 因為教宗若望保祿二世要求修會去亞洲傳播福音,所以兩位耶穌聖心使徒會的修女:李瑪利修女及王安娜修女在西元1998年8月遠從美國來到台灣。這兩位修女和孟德蘭修女於西元2000年到明誠中學藉由教書工作的同時也將耶穌基督的愛傳播給教職員及學生們。隨著明誠中學於西元2004年成立了雙語小學部門,修女們再次奉獻了她們的聖靈精神協助規劃小學部雙語課程。除了主導專業的英語課程規劃,修女更是重視學童們的生命教育,也藉由各種節日發展相關之慶祝活動;每年寒暑假,在台灣本地的修女也和從美國特地來台服務的修女們,規劃冬、夏令英文營的教學。除了學生教育外,修女也為對天主教義和聖經內容有興趣的家長開立讀書會團體。

耶穌聖心使徒會是由柯麗雅會祖(Venerable Clelia Merloni)於西元1894年於義大利組成, 柯麗雅姆姆對於耶穌聖心的愛是她的生活重心。

基於相同的信念及精神, 耶穌聖心使徒會的目標是要服務教會以及天主的子民, 讓所有的人都認識耶穌聖心也可以同樣的愛祂。

依循著耶穌聖心使徒會的座右銘--「基督的愛催促我們」, (格林多後書 5:14) 修會的修女們效法耶穌12個宗徒敬愛事奉耶穌聖心。 本著將自己全心奉獻給耶穌的力量, 以及對於耶穌聖心使徒會的信念和熱忱, 啟發並帶領修會裡的修女們必須傳達給予她們所遇到的人們。

現在在台灣高雄教區有三位修女為了教會在服務,修女們將盡她們的全力繼續地為台灣人民傳播福音。想瞭解更多聖心使徒會的資訊,請瀏覽 http://ascjus.org

Author: Sr. Linda Pettinella

Recently, Sr. Mary, Sr. Dani and Sr. Linda celebrated 10 years of Apostles presence in Taiwan. In response to Pope John Paul II’s call to religious congregations to come to Asia, two Apostles, Sr. Mary and Sr. Anne, came from the USA to Taiwan in August, 1998. In 2000, these two sisters and Sr. Dani came to minister at St. Paul’s High School. When St. Paul’s Bilingual Elementary School opened in 2004, the Sisters began ministering there. They have dedicated themselves to the spiritual and educational development of the elementary school students. As well as helping to coordinate the English program, the Sisters also instruct the students in English and Life Education. Additionally, the Sisters are responsible for student activities to celebrate major religious holidays, and, joined by Sisters from the States, run the school’s summer camp. At various times through the year, the Sisters also run a Parent Study Group for interested school parents, which introduces and explains the Catholic Church and the Bible to those who attend.

The Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was founded by Venerable Clelia Merloni in Italy in 1894. Love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus was the center of Mother Clelia’s life. In that same spirit, it is the goal of the Congregation to serve the Church and the people of God, making the Heart of Jesus known and loved. Responding to the motto, “The Love Of Christ Impels Us,” (2 Cor 5:14) the Sisters strive to be like the first Apostles. Animated by apostolic zeal and strengthened by their consecration to Christ, they seek to bring Christ’s love to all whom they meet. For more information about the Congregation, The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus visit our website: http://ascjus.org/

Think that every day, through your sacrifices, you can win souls for the Heart of Jesus."

— M. Clelia Merloni
