
女性將有助教會克服神職主義 - Women will enable the church to overcome clericalism

Lucetta Scaraffia, editorial writer for L'Osservatore Romano, in October 2016. (Photo by Kasia Strek/CIRIC) 

(麥安泰 神父提供)

《十字架報》最近跟《羅馬觀察家報》主筆及歷史學家露絲坦.絲卡拉菲亞(Lucetta Scaraffia),討論有關神職主義的問題。在這次接受《十字架報》尼各老.塞內茲(Nicolas Senèze)的訪問中,絲卡拉菲亞認為,神職主義始於鐸職獨身制的出現,現正受到世俗化的挑戰;而世俗化已結束了神父的社會權威。


早於七世紀,就有針對司鐸獨身的激烈辯論。當時,主教會議的結論認為,強制獨身可以是危險的,因為太少男性能夠度這樣的生活。然而,獨身的要求,除了是基於對性慾的擔憂外,還有經濟因素。有家庭的神父面對想要把教會財產傳給子女的誘惑。而且,難以區別教會和神父之間的財產,也會導致耗盡教會財產的風險。因此,為了確保教會的獨立性,「額我略改革(The Gregorian Reform)」向神職人員施加了獨身制。不過,此舉並非完全成功,在鄉村地區,許多神父繼續擁有家庭。而主教大多甚少探訪他們的教區;而當這些擁有家庭的神父被舉報時,主教們有時也樂意接受金錢,以作為保持沉默的報酬。

即使今天,我們仍然找到有女性幫助神父,並接受比神父的地位卑微。她們往往是年長的婦女,因為年輕女性已不再接受這一套。馬塞爾.戈謝(Marcel Gauchet)認為,父權制的衰落將導致教會的衰落,因為在他看來,教會是建基於父權制的。性侵事件說明神職人員的弱點。弱勢群體,首先是婦女和兒童,是他們唯一可行使權威並侵犯的。




Historian Lucetta Scaraffia, an editorial writer with L’Osservatore Romano, believes that clericalism, which began with the emergence of priestly celibacy, is now under challenge from secularization, which has ended the social authority of priests.

La Croix: What is Pope Francis’ understanding of 'clericalism?'

Lucetta Scaraffia: Clericalism refers to clerics’ having power or authority over the faithful and the state of subjection of the faithful with respect to clerics. More than anything else, it involves an atmosphere where the faithful are bound to obedience and respect for clerics. Historically, celibacy played a very significant role in the development of this respect.

In fact, there is a mysterious aspect to this because it means giving prestige to men who seem to exist outside the joys and difficulties of family life. In order to consecrate themselves to study and to prayer, they place themselves at a distance from the kind of daily problems that take them away from God.

How does celibacy make clerics men apart?
There were intense debates over priestly celibacy as early as the 7th century. At that time, councils of bishops concluded that it could be dangerous to impose it because too few men were capable of living it out. However, as well as reasons based on fear of sexuality, there were also economic reasons for the imposition of celibacy.Priests with families face the temptation of wanting to pass on church property to their children. And it becomes difficult to distinguish church property from that of the priests, leading to a risk of of dissipating the church’s goods. So, in order to preserve the church’s independence, the Gregorian Reform imposed celibacy on clerics. However, this was not always successful and in rural areas many priests continued to have families.

When they were reported, bishops, many of whom rarely visited their dioceses, were sometimes content to accept money as the price of their silence. This often happened in Germany and explains why from the very beginning Luther protested strongly against this sort of corruption. It took until the Council of Trent for a genuine policy of “zero tolerance” to be imposed in this field, resulting in more frequent visits by bishops to their dioceses.

From then on, however, the clerical state became defined by its difference from that of other faithful. This was the key to the clericalization of Catholic society. It was as if, in exchange for celibacy, the clergy had gained authority over the faithful.

What caused this model to implode?
Secularization of society challenged the social authority of the clergy. As the church became marginalized, clerics only continued to wield authority over those who went to church, who were mainly women during the 19th century. Secularization thus accompanied the feminization of the church. In fact, it was easier to impose this authority on women, who were less educated and already more used to living in families under the authority of men.

Even today, we still find women who help priests and accept positions of inferiority with respect to priests. These are often elderly women since young women no longer accept this. Marcel Gauchet believes that the decline of patriarchy will lead to the decline of the church because, in his view, it is based on patriarchy.

Sexual abuse illustrates the weakness of the clergy. Vulnerable people, including women and children in the first instance, are the only ones over whom it is possible to exercise authority and who can be abused.

Can the church overcome clericalism?
Yes, but only provided all issues are discussed with lay people, and with women in particular. And including sexual issues. The church has never wished to face up to the sexual revolution except at a theological level – never on the historical or existential levels.

I regret that the theology of the body too often ignores human reality, especially the sexuality of women.
